What is IVF?

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a common infertility treatment where an egg is fertilized by sperm outside of the body and then transferred into a woman’s uterus in order to establish a successful pregnancy. The egg is fertilized by sperm in vitro, meaning “in a glass.”

The New Hope Advantage

NYC’s New Hope Fertility Center offers a complete spectrum of fertility and in vitro treatment services so that your journey to parenthood can be streamlined, low-stress, and as minimally disruptive to your life as possible. Because every patient’s needs are different, we offer a variety of IVF treatments in NYC that allow us to truly customize your experience and give you the best possible chance of a successful pregnancy.

Success Rates of 58%
Compared to the National Average of 43%

In Vitro Fertilization NYC

5,653 Total
Successful Cycles in 2018

Infertility Treatment NYC

15,000+ New Hope Babies
Have Been Born Since 2006

New Hope Success Rate

Our IVF success rate is higher than the national average:

Age Range
35 - 37
New Hope

What to expect
from Fertility Treatment in NYC

You understand the IVF meaning, but what about the process? While protocols are varied and customized for your body, there are some typical low-cost and quick approaches to fertility care that we like to try before recommending a full IVF cycle. In cases where the indication for IVF is strong, these steps may be skipped. But it is important to discuss all your options with your doctor.

We will monitor your naturally occurring fertility cycle and guide you and your partner to the optimal time to have intercourse for the highest chance of conception. This is a very low-cost approach to fertility treatment and has great success with patients who suffer from ovulatory irregularities (ovulation timing) or in conjunction with Intrauterine insemination.
Ovulation Induction is the term for the stimulation of ovulation in the anovulatory patient. The aim is to stimulate the growth of a single follicle with the release of its egg. Superovulation is the term used for stimulating the growth of multiple follicles with the release of multiple eggs. Involving medication and fertility drugs, this is a typical step in any IVF journey and may be used in conjunction with initial pregnancy attempts using IUI and Timed intercourse.

This is a method of recreating intercourse, artificially. After washing, sorting, and analyzing your partner’s semen, the best sperm samples will be introduced to the uterus through a catheter. This is great for patients whose sperm have difficulty reaching the egg naturally because of male factor infertility, or female factors that inhibit the sperm from passing the cervix.

In some cases, the specific cause of your infertility might not be evident or easy to identify. A Laparoscopy might be requested to discover what’s going on inside the abdominal cavity or around the pelvic organs. A Hysteroscopy may be requested in the case of Fibroids, tissue scarring, or several other reasons.

Achieving a healthy pregnancy is critical. Because this is our primary concern, New Hope Fertility Center in New York can refer you to a local Maternal Fetal Medicine physician who will focus on managing the health concerns of both the mother and Fetus prior to, during and right after pregnancy.

Acupuncture has been documented to have measurable benefits to patients trying to conceive. From reducing stress and making you feel well to increasing the blood flow to improve implantation, acupuncture is recommended for all patients undergoing IVF.

Consultation with a psychologist can be useful for many reasons. In addition to emotional support during fertility treatment, the psychologist can assist with difficult decisions, help couples resolve differences, and provide counseling for the complex decisions surrounding family building through donor egg or donor sperm. The psychologist is compassionate, nonjudgmental, and discreet. Additionally, the psychologist can determine if psychotherapy is the best option for the individual and provide referrals to other knowledgeable mental health professionals when needed.

Compassionate Care

Your search for an expert fertility doctor in NYC ends here. New Hope Fertility Center is a global leader in the field of human reproductive medicine, bringing together a team of world-class scientists and clinicians committed to providing the best in fertility care — from maintaining the highest medical and scientific standards to supporting you through every stage of your IUI pregnancy and journey to parenthood. We have a strong history of IUI success, with each IVF doctor in our practice bringing their own knowledge and experience to the process.

Fertility Doctors NYC

Infertility Treatment in NYC: Our Services

Mini IVF™ / Ultra Mini IVF™

This is New Hope Fertility’s cutting-edge, trademarked approach to in vitro fertilization that uses fewer fertility drugs to attain better IVF results.

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Mobile IVF

New Hope Fertility Center is excited to introduce the first mobile fertility clinic. Just steps from the beach, you can take advantage of our world-class fertility services in the most convenient, accessible, stress-free environment.

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Needle-Free IVF

Needle-Free IVF is a convenient, lower-cost, pain-free fertility treatment. Patients won’t need to undergo daily injections and constant blood draws.

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Conventional IVF™

Conventional IVF (in vitro fertilization) is the process of stimulating the ovaries with a heavy dose of fertility medication, retrieving, fertilizing and reimplanting or transferring the eggs.

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Natural IVF

This is New Hope Fertility’s cutting-edge, trademarked approach to in vitro fertilization that uses fewer fertility drugs to attain better IVF results.

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In Vitro Maturation (IVM)

A proprietary process of retrieving immature oocytes (eggs) and then maturing them in a specialized culture in a laboratory setting.

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Intracycloplasmic Sperm Injection

Also called ICSI, Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is a method of stunning a sperm, removing it’s tail and injecting it into an oocyte for fertilization.

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Other Fertility Procedures

No two patients are alike, and the cause of each’s infertility may stem from a variety of reasons. That is why NHFC provides an extensive repertoire of successful fertility procedures.

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Male Fertility Care

With comprehensive sperm analysis, washing, sorting, and many procedures dedicated to improving male infertility, the male factor program at NHFC covers the full spectrum of issues.

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LGBTQ Family Creation

Same-sex couples that want children face various challenges that other fertility patients don’t.

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Third Party / Surrogacy

New Hope Fertility Center’s clinic has a comprehensive division for third-party reproduction, commonly referring to Egg donation or Surrogacy.

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Egg Freezing

Egg Freezing, also known as fertility preservation, is the process of cryopreserving a woman’s eggs for fertilization at a later date.

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Oncofertility Services

With comprehensive sperm analysis, washing, sorting, and many procedures dedicated to improving male infertility, the male factor program at NHFC covers the full spectrum of issues.

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Ovarian Rejuvenation

Ovarian Rejuvenation Therapy is a new procedure where a woman’s ovarian function is restored through a simple procedure.

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IVF Treatment Pros and Cons

IVF Pros

Assistance overcoming fertility issues

Anovulation, endometriosis, impaired sperm production or function, female and male infertility of unknown causes, and more.

Success Rates

While SUCCESS RATES are not 100% indicative of the best fertility center, we are proud that our in vitro fertilization success rates are above the national average of 41-43% for women under 35 using frozen embryos. We are proud to have the best success rate in NYC.

Lower chance of passing on genetic conditions

For couples with a high risk of passing on a genetic abnormality, a preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) can provide answers before transfer to a woman’s uterus.

IVF Cons


IVF in NYC can be expensive and is not always covered by insurance. Our staff will work with you to figure out if IVF can fit in your budget.

Success Rates

While IVF’s success rates are a pro, they can also be a con, as IVF does not work for all couples. It is important to remember that a couple in perfect health and in their mid-20s will only have a 25% chance of becoming pregnant naturally each time they try.

Complications and side-effects

There may be complications and side effects to IVF that women should be aware of, including gastrointestinal pain, nausea, rapid weight gain, diarrhea, and bloating.

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